Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In The Hall Of

This about 2 years old. It's a bit of ply wood that has been gathering dust under my bed for yonks. I tried throwing it on the scanner and got a bit of strange blue blur on the sides. oh well, here it is anyway.

My Actual Title Page

So it finally arrived. The real sketchbook. A real moleskine. So, let's not be too precious about it now, ROB!!!

more bits

My mate Pete told me to put up more sketchbook stuff. I trust his judgement because he's a local hero.

Gorilla Whale


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My latest watercolour. I call it, 'Splat'.

The AFL Monster

This is the AFL monster. It started with my friend, Soph teaching me how AFL works. Then I turned it into a monster.

Monday, August 16, 2010

This is a draft for my title page of the sketchbook project. I know making a draft for something I will eventually just put in a sketchbook is kind of silly but... well, I'm a silly kind of man. I just got an email from them today saying they've posted my book and I should receive it soon! very excited. My theme is 'Night Time Stories'.

Mish Mash

This is a mix of sketchbook stuff. It's a bit all over the place.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Sketchbook Project

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

This is the most exciting thing to happen to my life since birth itself.

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Watercolours!

Yes, that is Julia Gillard and Cardinal Pell. Read it however you like, as long as it reflects my political savvy without any follow-up explanation on my behalf...
... truth is... I needed some faces and there was a newspaper lying on the living room floor.


Hey, This is quick and messy, but a messy post is better than no post at all, right?